Monday, January 27, 2020

Contrast Media Used in Intravenous Urography

Contrast Media Used in Intravenous Urography Introduction Intravenous urogram is also known as intravenous pyelogram. It is a radiology procedure to view the urine system including kidney, bladder and ureter. Intravenous urogram is roughly examination allows the doctor to see structures like the cortex, renal, calyceal, renal pelvis, pyeloureteric junction, bladder and ureteric drainage. Among the problems that can be examined in this way is a bladder infection, kidney infection, bleeding in the urine, tumor, injury to the urinary tract after a severe external injuries, and several other related diseases. To carry out this examination, special materials required for these structures can be seen in the x-ray images. Special materials that are the contrast media. Contrast agent is injected into a vein in the body and it will be distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream, before it is eliminated by the kidneys. Often the contrast agent is injected through the median cubital vein, and images of some of the kidney resulting contrast image synthesis. There are several types of projections used in the trial of IVU. Projections are as full length KUB, KUB on your belly, cross-dim range reduced the renal kidney and upper ureter, oblique to the kidneys, bladder anteroposterior angle of 15 degrees to prevent bladder covered with pubic symphysis and the bladder oblique. Contrast agents can be viewed directly on the kidney immediately after injection and is known as nephrogram. This shows the contrast agent by glomerular filtered before reaching colyceal system. It is important to examine the renal outline, and can detect tumors, cysts or cortical scarring. He also produces initial information about the sign of kidney. After 5 minutes of an injection is given, calyces will be filled with contrast agents, which will then move down the ureter to fill the bladder. Contraindications Contraindications that should be known by the radiographers before any procedure is as renal colic, renal calculi, abdominal pain, abdominal surgery at the latest, after the patient gave birth, and the replacement of the kidney. This contraindication is important to avoid complications that may occur. Patient preparation before during the examination Patients are not allowed to drink a few hours before urogram examination. Patients are also asked to take a laxative to make sure everything is clean from the dirty material. If the patient is taking any medications such as blood pressure medicines, patients can continue taking these drugs unless prohibited by a doctor. If the patient is pregnant, the patient should be told radiographers working. Intravenous urogram was not performed on patients who are pregnant unless certain emergency cases. Patients will be asked to sign a document. This document is carrying all the risks, benefits and all the compilations that can occur. This allows the patient to understand all the procedures of this inspection. If the patient agrees to assume all risks and understand the procedures established, the patient can sign the documents and procedures will be carried out. Precautions before use of contrast media in intravenous urogram The reaction cannot be expected to contrast media, and all patients should be cared for and tidy during the procedure.  Of interest to examine the patient before performing any procedure should not be taken lightly.  This guide will allow the radiographers to carry out the procedure.  Radiographers should know the signs of the various reactions that occur.  There are many steps that must be taken before, during and after the use of intravenous contrast media.  The first, radiographers must know the patients health history.  Secondly, if the patient is a patient who had a high risk, radiographers must use low-osmolar contrast media. Among patients with high risk of the asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, and others.  Next, batch number and expiry date should be examined in contrast media.  In addition, radiographers must ensure that the contrast agents in body temperature.  Radiographers should also check whether or not the package has disterile.  Prior to this contrast media marginal, they should know the correct procedures, checking emergency equipment and know how to use these tools, and check the appropriate volume of contrast, the dose and the correct procedures. Intravenous urogram procedure Urografi intravenous test was initiated by asking the patient to remove clothing and wear a hospital gown provided.  Patients are also asked to remove all jewelry that was found in patients.  Then the patient will undergo blood tests to check whether the patients kidney function is good or not. After that, the patient will be laid on stretchers or x-ray table.  Then, the radiographers will take an x-ray images before contrast medium injection.  Injection of contrast media on the patient through an intravenous.  An intravenous cannula (IV) is inserted through a vein in the patients arm or hand.  Then, the contrast medium injected. X-rays are taken at the times specified.  Several sequences of the film will be done according to the test.  X-ray frequencies depends on the patients kidneys to menurus contrast media.  Normally, the kidneys would normally filter the contrast medium within 5 to 10 minutes.  Pesalit should remain a rest between each x-ray is taken.  Another imaging technique will be used in conjunction with intravenous urogram called kidney tomogram.  This is the imaging pictures of patient kidney in the slice condition. Nurses will assist the radiographers to check the patients pulse, respiration and blood pressure continuously.  Before the last x-ray is taken, the patient will be asked to empty their bladder.  This is to see patients when the bladder is empty. Intravenous urogram procedures completed when all the tracks clearly show the urine pictures x-ray.  The entire procedure takes about one hour. Procedure during injection During injection, radiographers must know where the Radiologist or a doctor may be contacted.  In addition, radiographers must constantly monitor the respiration rate, blood pressure, color and level of patient awareness. Procedure after the injection Radiographers should remain with the patient not less than 15 minutes.  when the inspection was made, check whether pesalit can return home safely or not.  do not allow patients to return if there are any complications. Film sequence Intravenous urogram test is one test that will need to use a lot of film.  This is because the procedure performed and requires much more structure posisisi patients body to be x-ray.  Preliminary film is the first film to be taken to the test.  Preliminary film using a film of size 14 x 17 inches (43 x 35 cm).  The film will be placed under the patient.  the patient would lie with the projection AP abdomen to include the symphysis pubis and diafgram border.  This is to check the patients abdomen was doing inventory and to disclose any case of calcifications of the renal tract.  X-ray beam was centered in the middle of the level of iliac crest.  Additional X-ray taken to determine any akkan opacities present in the patients body.  35 degrees posterior to the renal area.  Preliminary objective was to examine the patients colon and bowel preparation to see patients.  It also seeks to identify the renal position to determine the exposure factors.  It is also to l ook at problems in kidney patients. Then radiographers will take x-ray film, called immediate.  The film will be taken immediately after injection of contrast media.  Film size 10 x 17 inches (24 x 30 cm) was used to film this immediate.  X-ray beam centered between the lower costal margin and xiphisternum.  Patients will be in a state of AP in the area to see renal patients kidneys when contrast is injected.  It aims to show nefrogram, renal parenchyma is opacified by contrast medium in patients with renal tubules.  The aim is to show the film immediate renal parenchyma to show neofrogram phase.  It is also to examine the size of kidney patients will be expanded from the original size after injection of contrast. After 5 minutes of contrast media injected in patients, radiographers will take an x-ray.X-ray called a 5 minute film.  Size of film measuring 14 x 17 inches (35 x 43 cm) used for this film.  Patients in the supine AP and AP projeksinya for renal area.  After 5 minutes of completion of the injection of contrast medium to patients, taking X-rays done full KUB shows the urinary system.  Taking pictures of x-ray taken at this time to determine the patients bowel movement is symmetrical and does not need to modify the technique for assessing needs.  For example, another contrast medium should be injected when the kidney is less opacification.  The purpose of a 5 minute film is to compare the flow of contrast agent by the two sides of kidney patients.  It is also to see the patients pelvis system.  5 minute film is also to examine the excretion of symmetry in both kidneys. After that, the film is taken 15 minutes.  This film is so named because the x-ray is taken after 15 minutes the patient is injected with contrast media.  Film size 10 x 12 inches (24 x 30 cm) used for this film.  Taking x-ray done 15 minutes after injection (10 minutes after the film 5 minutes).  The aim is to see the renal calyx system more clearly, the pressure is on this film series with kolimasi exposure on renal kawaswan.  Use of pressure rings are not needed when the patient shows any indication of renal calculi and in patients after surgery.  This is to avoid injury to the renal patient.  Perform head-down position when the pressure rings are not used. Then, release film taken after the 15-minute film.  Size of film measuring 14 x 17 inches (43 x 35 cm) used for this film.  Taking x-ray done after opening the pressure ring or for patients who do not use the pressure ring, the patient should be changed from the head down position to a reclining position.  The entire urinary system and bladder area should look at this film series. The last film was taken in a test called the film post void / micturate.  Size of film measuring 14 x 17 inches (43 x 35 cm) used for this film.  Taking x-ray performed after the patients bowel to empty the urinary bladder.  The purpose of the film post void / micturate was to assess the patients residual urine after urination.  It is also to see the ability to clear the patients ureter bladder.  It also showed no bladder problems such as tumors and divertikulum. Risk of Intravenous urogram examination Intravenous urogram is always carried out without any risks or problems.  This examination is a safe examination.  However, to ensure that all the conditions are really safe and to avoid any complications, patients should be caring and always sensitive to side effects.  The patient is exposed to radiation.  Rate of radiation received by patients was similar to the radiation received by all the environment for 14 months. If the patient is pregnant, this examination cannot be done.  This is because the fear of radiation can have adverse side effects on the content.  There are also some potential side effects experienced by patients after the inspection but it is very poor.  If there are any side effects, patients may feel hot or itchy and uncomfortable in the mouth after receiving an injection of contrast media.  It only felt by the patient for a few minutes. Patient care Care for patients after intravenous urogram examination is essential.  This is due to revive a patient of any effects after the test.  Radiographers should ensure that patients in stable condition.  Slowly open the needle and clean the place involved.  Give an explanation to the patient for follow-up care after testing is completed.  Ask patients to change their clothes after the completion of the test.  Radiographers should also advise patients to drink sufficient water to remove the contrast media from the patients body. Complication Complications may occur during or after the inspection.  Allergic reaction or allergy to contrast media is a major risk even kidney damage could be one of the complications.  If the patient has allergies to iodine, contrast material, has a problem hives, difficulty breathing, the patient should immediately notify the radiographers.  Detailed information and the patients medical history should be known in order to avoid any complications that may occur. CONTRAST MEDIA Introduction Clinical diagnostic radiology has been developed not only in terms of equipment and techniques used, but the contrast media allows visual structure and internal organs can be seen in more detail.  A dose of contrast media used in x-ray usually contains 2000 times as much iodine content of iodine in the body.  However, iodine contained in the contrast media will be removed in a natural system immediately.  Generally no side effects occur.  Selection of contrast media has always been a problem, but actually it depends on the radiologist itself.  To make rational decisions about the choice of contrast media have a high understanding of the principles of physical and physiological needed. Why contras media is necessary? The level of attenuation of all the patients affected by the atomic number of factors involved.  If there is such a large density difference between the heart muscle and the air in the lungs, the lines of the structure can be seen on radiographs as a natural contrast exists.  Similarly, if there are differences in the number of atoms between two tissues like muscle and bone.  Muscles consist of low atomic number instead of bone consists of calcium and has a high atomic number of lebiih.  Line structure can be seen because of the natural contrast.  But if the two organs that have the density and atomic number is not much difference, it is not possible to distinguish the structure of the organ in the radiograph because the contrast does not exist naturally. So, no way we could see the blood vessels in an organ or internal structure of the kidneys without the use of other substances or change the contrast.  Two important factors can be changed is the density and atomic number of an organ structure.  Number of atomic structure is hollow as the blood vessels can be added or promoted by filling the liquid has a higher atomic number such as iodine contained in the contrast media. Type of contrast media There are several types of contrast media used.  Contrast media can be differentiated based on the modality used.  Although there are various types of contrast media, the type often used is based on its x-ray attenuation and magnetic resonance signals.Contrast media can be divided into two positive contrast media and contrast media is negative.  Contrast material is used to enhance x-ray attenuation.  Positive contrast media materials give the white in the image. While the media are negative contrast material was used to portray the image black.Gadolinium is used in magnetic resonance signal as MRI contrast agents.  Gadolinium enhance the quality of MRI scans.  There are two types of positive contrast material is used in an x-ray of barium and iodine.  There are many types of existing iodine contrast media with different viscosities, osmolariti and iodine content. a) Non-iodine contrast media Medium contrast material is a white powder that was insoluble.  The powder is mixed with water and a few other extra components to make a mixture of contrast material. This material is generally only used in the digestive tract.  Normally this type of contrast medium ingested or given by enema.  Upon examination, this material will be removed from the body with dirty materials.  Non-iodine dimer is the best choice for a low toxic content.  However, non-iodine dimer has a higher price. b) Iodine contrast media Materials iodine contrast media is soluble in water and is not harmful to the body.Contrast materials are widely sold as a solution of clear, colorless liquid.  Concentrations are usually expressed in mg / ml.  Iodine contrast material is used almost in every human body.  Iodine contrast media is divided into three.  Contrast media containing iodine oil, iodine contrast media and water-soluble contrast media are not water soluble. Microbubbles were a contrast agent used to help sonographic echocardiogram.  These bubbles of nitrogen and supported by proteins, lipids or polymers.  Decrease in density between gas and liquid surrounding the bubble and will reflect back ultrasound.  This process causes the resulting image can be seen clearly. Effect of contrast media Contrast media are safe to use, but some health problems associated with some of the contrast media.  Reactions vary about the danger of death, with approximately 0.9 deaths per 100 000 cases.  These factors are invited to this dangerous reactions, including a strong allergy, asthma and heart disease bronchiol.  There are many misconceptions that exist among the professionals is the contrast between the media associated with allergic reactions to seafood because they both have the iodine content in it. However, few studies have been made and indicated that while iodine is a substance often used in contrast media, but it was not the cause of the allergy but it is better for patients with a history of other allergies.  However, there are also some patients reactions to contrast media.  Examples of such reactions are nausea or vomiting, feeling hot all over the body, while itching, sneezing, sometimes shortness of breath and hypotension.  Actual reactions depending on the patients own resistance. Way of contrast media given 1) Through Oral Contrast media is given by mouth by drinking or swallowing of contrast media.  Normally it is barium sulfate.  Giving oral contrast media will affect where the stomach will look white on x-ray film.  Contrast media containing barium sulfate is not harmful.  Barium sulfate is excreted out in a day or two days.  In all cases, the use of contrast media is not advised for pregnant women because of lack of conclusive evidence about how safe contrast media in pregnancy.  However, if this type of examination can save lives, the risks should be weighed again on a case-by-case. 2) Through Anal (small intestine and large intestine) Contrast media through the rectum or anal granted. Contrast media is inserted into the rectum with the help of rectal catheter. Rectal contrast media through which this will affect the large intestine will look white on x-ray film. In this way, the various organs or structures can be viewed and studied. 3) Through intravascular Contrast media is given by intravascular injection. Often, the material used is iodine-based contrast media. Most patients can be detained and given an injection of contrast media quickly removed from the body without adverse side effects. Iodine-based contrast media caused a warm feeling when injected. Sometimes patients may feel sick after receiving the injections. Therefore, patients are always advised not to take any food before any radiological examinations requiring contrast media. Rarely, iodine-based contrast media may cause an allergic reaction. Gadolinium contrast media are also given in the form of magnetic resonance imaging during the injection. Contrast medium is working to enable the organs that have good blood supply appears white on the MRI images. Selection of contrast media Radiologist choose the type of contrast media based on experience and knowledge. They choose the type of contrast media depends on the patients condition. To make decisions, various factors including clinical factors and financial factors are also considered to assist in making a selection. Royal College of Radiologist provide some guidance. Among the patients who are at high risk of reaction. Among them are children, the elderly, diabetics, patients suffering from asthma, and patients with allergies. In this group, 25% of patients were recommended for the test. How the contrast media used There are a number of radiological examinations using contrast media. Volume, different types of contrast media for each patient depending on the type of inspection and the need Radiologist. Angiography Angiography is the examination carried out to examine the blood vessels. Selection of arteriography and venography depending on what type of blood vessels to be inspected. Either vein or artery. Arteriography For arteriography, the contrast media through the catheter used in the arteries. Blood flow will lead to the loss of contrast media. With this, the image of the artery can be seen in organs or in other parts division. Venography For venography, contrast medium injected into the vein and vein travel throughout the body can be seen. The greater the size and number of veins in the body, the more positions that need to be made by radiographers to obtain images of veins throughout the body. Normally venography performed to confirm the patient has deep vein thrombosis. In the leg, venography was also performed on the organs in the body by inserting the contrast medium into the organ via the venous catheter. Intravenous urography (IVU) Intravenous urography is a check for a urinary tract. When an intravenous injected, most of the contrast media to be secreted by the kidneys. This inspection is performed to check whether there is any kidney stones or other kidney problems. Computer tomography (ICT) An electronic, ICT has a better contrast sensitivity. But it cannot create a contrast which does not exist naturally. A total of 43% of CT procedures using contrast media. CT is widely used in the body but are often used for examination of neurons as the brain and spinal cord. It is also used for examining the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. It is also useful for examining the tumor. Myelography Spinal cord and major nerves can not be displayed by x-ray without the use of contrast media. Spinal cord and other nerves can be displayed using MRI. Images can be produced if the contrast medium injected into the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord. Contrast media have been created specifically for this examination. The majority of myelography made to examine the lumbar to confirm any clinical problems such as intervertebral disc out of the home. However, CT and MRI now has replaced myelography as the research lumbar. Myelography with CT scan was used to investigate spinal cord and cervical areas. Inspection of other There are several other examinations in which contrast media are needed. As an example of the contrast medium is introduced to the structure of such joints to study the anatomy and pathology. Iodine containing contrast media when given orally, it can be used to examine organs such as the small intestines. Responsibilities of radiographers Radiographers should be sensitive to the needs of patients are willing to help and should have a responsible attitude. Always willing to help the state to face and deal with an emergency procedure, especially when contrast media. Clearly and accurately describes the procedure of contrast media using language easily understood by patients. Cooperation of the two parties to produce a successful procedure. Conclusion In conclusion, much needed in the media kontas produces images that are clearer and brighter because it has the properties of radio-opect less penetrated by x-ray. It will also be a dangerous to the patient if the radiographers to take it easy patient safety.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Perfect Competition V. Monopolies :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the American Economy, business is controlled by the government and the consumer. When a person is the owner of a business that is alone in its product that it provides for the consumer, it is said to be a monopoly. As a monopoly you have sole control over price. Monopolies are regulated by the government in order to prevent the misuse of power that a monopoly has.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If a person can only get turkey, for example from one store. Then the store can charge a lot more for that turkey than it could if the store next door was selling it too because then there would be competition. Also, the store would not have to produce a better quality of turkey because there would be no reason for it to do so. In this situation the consumer is taken unfair advantage of by the business owner, in this case the store. Government regulates monopolies to promote a perfect competition economy and to get rid of the â€Å"turkey situation† discussed above. The benefits of a perfect competition economy benefit consumers. For example, if we go back to the store, in a perfect competition economy all of the stores have turkey. Now the stores want to make sure that the turkey that they sell is the best turkey and cost the least. In this situation they are competing for the consumer’s business. However, business owners of a monopoly situation disagree with the government. When there is a business that has the potential to become a monopoly the government watches it very closely and the business has to go through the government for mergers and such. The more the business becomes a monopoly, the more the government says no to the business’s requests. For example, there is Microsoft. The government has been working to keep Microsoft from being the big business that it is today.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Moral philosophy

In the film entitled ‘Liar Liar’ scripted by Paul Guay and Stephen Mazur, there several charaters who feature. These include such people as Fletcher Reede’s acting as Jimmy Carey, Justin cooper acting as Max, Maura Tierney as Reed’s estranged wife, and Jenniffer Tilly among others ( ). The movie is about smooth-talking attorney and habitual liar, manipulating his way to the helm of his job a local law company through winning great challenging cases. In the course of the film we find his son celebrating his fifth birthday. The son is seen at one time trying to encourage his father to lies.  Ã‚   This is because it is portrayed that this main character has lived and earned his career through lies. It is not clear whether that he will be able to win a case involving a character by the name Samantha Cole whose cases is on infidelity. The main character is also faced with the challenge of stopping his ex-wife taking his son to live with her in Boston. Through the application of lies Carrey survives in his career without the web of lies on which his career depends. In the movie Liar Liar, though clouded in comic laughter, there are several incidences whereby some acts are portrayed as immoral. The main character in this film in his endeavors to push his career up, he did some things which proved to be immoral. He pursued his cases based on a web of lies which worked wonders for. Though to him this was a success the acts were in themselves immoral. Based on Kant’s moral philosophy which states that an action is immoral not by virtue of its consequences but by the actual intentions of the actions. Kant further argued that moral requirements are based on a standard of rationality which he describes as â€Å"Categorical Imperative† (CI). In this case immorality will entail a violation of the categorical imperative and is therefore not rational ( To be straight to the point, it is clear that we are commanded to exercise our wills in a particular manner and not to do some actions or others. It is therefore categorical in the course of applying to us unreservedly, or merely because we possesses rational wills. This is true because without indication to any ends that we might or might not have ( Like his predecessors, Kant argues that moral requirements are based on standards of rationality which are either desire-based instrumental principles of rationality or based on pother rational intuitions. According to the film the main character acts against his duty of being honest to his clients and the public. This is against his duty to which he is called to. According to Kant, this is the only moral motive. In order to act morally people should to what is right guided by a sense of duty ( To conclude the movie gives us a picture of how people behave during their day to day life. During such times they go about doing things which to them are perceived as moral yet in actual sense do not constitute morality. The philosopher in this case i.e. Kant gives the true picture of what is moral and not moral. Works cited Truth and true professional, available at:, assessed on April 6, 2008 Kant: the moral order, available at:, assessed on April 6, 2008 What is the basis of your moral philosophy?, available at: – 65k – assessed on April 6, 2008 Liar Liar – film review, available at:, assessed on April 6, 2008 Moral Philosophy I think that moral philosophy of Jeremy Bentham is the best suited for business and decision-making. Bentham’s philosophy is based on three principles of the greatest happiness, universal egoism and artificial identification of one’s interests. His philosophy is also referred to as utilitarianism. For example, Bentham argues: â€Å"By the principle of utility is meant that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever, according to the tendency which it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is in question: or, what is the same thing in other words, to promote or to oppose that happiness†. I think that in our tough and often hostile business environment it is better to be universal egoism because in such a way you remain strong and steadfast defending your positions at the market place. The principle of greatest happiness can be interpreted in the way that company’s success makes leadership happy. Actually, Bentham philosophy is rational and logical, therefore, it is the best suited for our rational world. Bentham emphasizes the usefulness of things and actions meaning that everything should have its own place and purpose because it will lead to general happiness. Bentham approach is naturalistic as he promotes universal hedonism. He assumes that the primary motivators are pleasure and pain. The same is in business – when pain is felt, leadership and team do their best to cure the pain. Bentham also argues that humans are always seeking for the greatest happiness because their interests are interrelated with interests of other humans. Bentham’s moral philosophy held the advantage as the principle of utility is very popular. Compared to other principles, the principle of utility is very velar and enables decisions to be made where there is a need to solve the conflict of legitimate interests. Bentham’s philosophy is a fundamental commitment to human equality. Bentham’s principle of utility suggests that â€Å"one man is worth just the same as another man†. References Jeremy Bentham. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved November 19, 2007, from                      Moral Philosophy In my opinion, David Hume’s moral philosophy is the best suited for business and decision-making process because it proclaims the principles justice, charity, benevolence, and patience. Moreover, Hume argues that ethics should play important role in decision-making process as it gives thinkers an opportunity to make such a decision won’t oppose anybody’s suggestions or preferences. He says that moral agent is motivated by character traits which nature is either virtuous or vicious. If a person is willing to donate money or things for charity, his actions are motivated by virtuous traits. In business decision-making, he notes, such traits should be natural and instinctive, and only in such person will make really ethical decisions. Hume’s moral philosophy is distinct and exact. (Fieser 2006) For example, Hume clearly divides qualities into virtuous and vice. The natural virtues are meekness, generosity, charity and benevolence, whereas artificial or vice virtues are chastity, greediness, dishonesty, and keeping promises. It seems that Hume places qualities needed for a well-ordered states as artificial. I think that in such a way he wants to show that business and decision-making should natural and instinctive. Agents are provided with psychological roles, though in certain situation a person may refer to more than entrusted role. (Fieser 2006) David Hume concludes that there are four categories of qualities necessary for moral business running and decision-making: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Qualities useful for others: charity, fidelity, meekness, and benevolence; 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Qualities useful for oneself: patience and perseverance; 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Qualities agreeable to others: cleanliness, eloquence, and wit; 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Qualities agreeable to oneself: pride, humor, and self-esteem. Actually, David Hume discusses all the qualities which are considered the core of adequate business running. It is necessary to mention that to make really ethical decision means to use trained sensitivity to ethical issues. (Fieser 2006) References Fieser, Jame. (2006). Hume’s Moral Theory. Retrieved November 14, 2007, from               

Friday, January 3, 2020

Western Humanities Midterm Essay - 785 Words

Western Humanities Midterm Essay During the course I realized how large of a role art plays in helping create cultures and developing and preserving the history of civilizations. I find it interesting that when there’s no written history or any historical buildings, cultures will always make their own ancient past grander than what it really is. The Israelites, the Greeks and Romans all tell stories of their history that has no written proof. It seems that we as people want to have a connection to our roots and to understand where we come from. This is why I believe that most people want to believe in a higher power. I think that the timeline shows to some extent that art throughout history has been and still is the major form of†¦show more content†¦Until now, I didnt realize how much Islam influenced art and practically kick-started science. I learned that the Abbasid caliphs established the House of Wisdom, a center of leaning and science. They gathered manuscripts in Greek and Sanskrit along with scholars who could understand and translate them from the areas that they conquered. The Abbasids were the first ones to study and translate important Greek and Indian mathematical book like Euclids geometry text the Elements. They adopted a very Greek approach to mathematics of formulating theorems precisely and proving them formally in Euclids ways. Islamists wrote many influential books on mathematics of algebra that we still use today. One of the books described how to write numbers in calculations using the place-value decimal system which is what we use today. This concept was developed in India in A.D. 600’s which was translated and adopted by Arabic mathematicians. About 300 years later this book was translated into Latin and it became the major source for European academics to learn the new system. This system is known as the Hindu-Arabic system which is taught to schoolchildren around the world. It’s amazing that a system of calculations was brought to Europe from practically the other side of the world. I wonder how long it would have taken to figure out the same system without Muslim involvement. I find it fascinating how almost a millennia agoShow MoreRelatedThe Doctrine Of The Trinity9485 Words   |  38 PagesTrinity with the â€Å"social model† to discover the strengths and weaknesses of each. Exploration of the theology of Jan Van Ruusbroec and Jonathan Edwards will highlight an alternative â€Å"hybrid model.† Global perspectives on the Trinity will illumine Western predispositions and encourage widened cultural perspectives that might further animate the mystery. The course will conclude by looking at post-modern questions that arise in response to the Trinitarian mystery. Ultimately, Christian identity isRead MoreCultural Comparison - Russia and US Education6674 Words   |  27 Pagesfrom admission to diploma takes 2–4 years. 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